• Calamity Game

Calamity Game

CALAMITY GAME | Donkey card game revisited!

Aim of the game | Avoid the calamity

Before you start

How to play

  1. Shuffle and deal all the cards.
  2. Players have to pair their cards with matching pictures and place them face up in front of them until only odd cards are left.
  3. Then in turn, each player presents their cards to the person on their left in a fan face down and that player selects a card.
  4. If they can make a pair, they place it face up in front of them.
  5. The game continues until all pairs have been matched.
  6. The player left with the Calamity card looses.
  7. Play until one player has won all the cards.
  • PARRY | Place it face up in front of you
  • CALAMITY | You lose

Tags: Rules, Calamity Game

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